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__author__ = "Tobias Carryer"

from time import time

class LinearCongruentialGenerator:


A pseudorandom number generator.


def __init__(self, multiplier, increment, modulo, seed=int(time())):


These parameters are saved and used when nextNumber() is called.

modulo is the largest number that can be generated (exclusive). The most

efficient values are powers of 2. 2^32 is a common value.


self.multiplier = multiplier

self.increment = increment

self.modulo = modulo

self.seed = seed

def next_number(self):


The smallest number that can be generated is zero.

The largest number that can be generated is modulo-1. modulo is set in the constructor.


self.seed = (self.multiplier * self.seed + self.increment) % self.modulo

return self.seed

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Show the LCG in action.

lcg = LinearCongruentialGenerator(1664525, 1013904223, 2 << 31)

while True:
